Our Cruse Scanner is a remarkable large format scanning device. It is engineered in Germany and is the only one of it’s kind in South Africa.
It sets the standard for scanning excellence which enables us to capture your fine art originals in all their detail and colour fidelity. And let’s face it, this is where it all starts! Your reproduction can only be as good as it’s original digitization. What you put in is what you get out.
For the technical minded the scanner scans at a whopping 1.5 BILLION pixels Other benefits are that originals can be scanned in their frames – through the glass!
The scanner flat-bed takes originals of 1.5m x 1.1m but by “tiling” the scans or doing them in sections we have scanned originals up to 5m and more in length. 3-d objects up to 15cm high can be scanned. Massive antique doors have found their way onto the scanner – 250kg blocks of granite and many other strange objects!
All depends on the size of the original and the resolution but they can be massive – up to 2GB in size – make sure you bring a suitable memory stick!